Summits: 1421

2011: April 15-17 » Death Valley

Having been several years since my last trip to Death Valley, I was long overdue. I’d been wanting to see “The Racetrack” for several years, a strange place where the rocks move mysteriously along an extremely flat dry lake bed. Thirty miles of dirt road got myself and two friends there late on Friday night, and we spent several hours exploring it the next morning. We spent the remainder of the weekend visiting several other touristy sights in the park inlcuding Badwater (the lowest point in the US @ -282 feet), Scotty’s Castle, Zabriskie Point, Artist’s Pallet, 20 Mule Canyon, and the second highlight of the trip, the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. This was also the first time I’d hiked after an injury three months previous.