Summits: 1421

2011: May 30 » Lake Sutherland (Kayaking)

I’d ridden by the Sutherland reservoir a few times and finally decided to drag the kayaks out, using a knee injury as an excuse to start exploring some of San Diego’s inland waters. What I thought would simply be a workout turned out to be a great day of exploring. My friend Christian and I paddled about 8 miles, beaching the kayaks to check out the two major inlets to the lake on foot. As evening approached and the water turned to glass, the birds took over and we caught a glimpse of a turkey vulture, several egrets, and even 2 bald eagles (bald eagles have recently settled around a few of San Diego’s reservoirs), among others. Note – I’ve since been back to the reservoir a second time, and the water level was much lower, robbing me of the most scenic part of the lake, the last half mile of the east finger…