Summits: 1421

2012: January 7-8 » Lake Morena and P3339

     This album is from a last minute 2-day trip to east county San Diego. The first day I finally paddled one of the last San Diego reservoirs I had on my kayaking list, and the 2nd day I hiked unnamed peak P3339 (more like a hard to get to view point) from the San Diego peaks list. Lake Morena was a great paddle, but its water was extremely low, so I was able to circumnavigate the entire lake in just over 3 hours. P3339 turned out to be a great hike, overlooking the west side of Carrizo Gorge. After the hike on Sunday, I took a short detour, to drive Old Highway 80 and visit the border town of Jacumba, an experience all in its own…trip report (hike only).