Summits: 1421

2014: Aug 23-Sep 7 » Alaska (motorcycle trip)

This trip was all about 2 wheels (well, 6 to be more accurate). Christian Mulkey, Matt Zamora, and myself, clicked off 3540 miles on Kawasaki KLRs, hitting just about every town in the state accessible by road from Anchorage. The weather was rarely favourable, but that didn’t stop us from having our minds blown by the amazing scenery.

National Parks visited – Denali, Wrangell-St. Elias, Kenai Fjords

Towns- Tok, Chicken, Valdez, Chitina, McCarthy, Kennecott, Girdwood, Whittier, Hope, Seward, Homer, Fairbanks, Chena (hot springs), Talkeetna, Petersville, more…

Other Notables

-Northern Lights (check out the first 2 pictures in the gallery)

-Dawson City (Yukon Territories, Canada) via Top of the World Highway (130 miles of mostly hard-packed dirt and a ferry across the Yukon River)

-Denali Highway (130 miles of mostly dirt road running along the Alaska Range)