Summits: 1421

2014: Dec 3-7 » Stewart, Pahrump, Grapevine, Palmer, East Ord (DPS trip)

My first dedicated desert peak trip of the season, I bummed around the eastern side of Death Valley for a few days, tagging the handful of peaks I had missed on my previous trip. I balied on my original plans of heading to the Inyo Mountains due to weather, but still dealt with cloud cover most of my trip. Grapevine and Palmer became a routefinding nightmare with ~100ft visibility most of the day. It was the first time I had been completely reliant on my GPS, something I rarely even use. I had preprogrammed just a handful of waypoints, not nearly enough, and more than once I found myself heading down the wrong ridge. My stubbornness paid off however, but not with any views!

Dec 3 – Stewart Pt (pics 1-5)

Dec 4 – Pahrump – very cool hike, a desert favorite! (pics 6-10)

Dec 5 – Grapevine and Palmer (pics 13-14)

Dec 6 – Got lazy!

Dec 7 – East Ord (on the way home, pics 18-20)