Summits: 1421

2016: November 8-10 » Ventura and Santa Barbara Peaks

Checking a few peaks off before the roads close for the winter, I tagged 9 HPS peaks over 3 days in Ventura and Santa Barbara. This brings me up to 259 peaks on the HPS list, 20 left…


Day 1 – 5 peaks in Ventura – Alamo , McDonald, Seward, Snowy, Black

Stats – 13 miles, 4700′ gain/loss, 5.5 hrs hiking time


Day 2 – 2 peaks in Ventura – Cobblestone, White

Stats – 15 miles, 6500′ gain/loss, 6.5hrs hiking time


Day 3 – 2 peaks in Santa Barbara – Cuyama (drive-up), Lizard Head

Stats – 11 miles, 3900′ gain/loss, 3.8hrs hiking time


Cobblestone and Lizard Head were very cool, remote mountains. The route on Cobblestone follows bits of an old road and trail, has a steep finish, and a cool summit register on top. Lizard Head was a neat rock outcropping in a seldom visited area. Both peaks had outstanding views…