Summits: 1380

June 19 – July 6 » LPC Peaks, Bridge to Nowhere, and Random Cycling

I spent these last few weeks ticking off LPC peaks, training for an upcoming cycling trip, and visiting friends and family:

June 19 – Potato Peak

June 20 – Stoddard and Frankish Peaks (partly by bicycle)

June 21 – Morton and Cram Peaks

June 22 – Cycle Angeles Oaks to Onyx Summit, visit Grandparents in Indio

June 23 – Harrison Mountain

June 24 – McKinley Mountain, Auzsa Peak

June 25 – Cycle from Crystal Lake to Cloudburst Summit

June 26 – Mt Bliss (with George Zelenz), Echo Mountain

June 27 – Mt Muir, Brown Mountain (partly by bicycle)

June 29 – Mt McKinley

June 30 – Mendenhall Peak, The Pinnacle

July 2-3 – Overnight backpack, The Bridge to Nowhere (with George Zelenz)

July 4 – Mount Dissapointment (fireworks from summit)

July 5-6 – Cycling and camping with friends in Big Bear