Summits: 1380

Alaska (Denali)

These pictures are from three climbs on Denali (Mt. McKinley), the third one with a successful summit. In 2010 and 2012 we made it to high camp (17200′), just a day away from the summit. One injured and one sick partner on the first trip led to a turnaround, and a frostbitten partner and bad weather forced a retreat on the second trip. I wasn’t sure if I’d return but met a new climbing partner while traveling New Mexico in 2020. He and his son also had an unsuccessful attempt and we made plans to return together in 2021 with the mentality that we’d stay until it was done. We made the summit in beautiful conditions on June 12th, 2021, the 50th state high point for all three of us. I’ve spent a total of 49 days on the mountain, time I enjoyed very much. I had a few days worth of sightseeing at the tail end of each trip, the second time renting a motorcycle for a few days.

Full albums for each climb –> 2010   2012   2021